[Middle English madame, from Old French ma dame; see Madame.] madam [
"Dear, . " ou "Dear Madams, . " Merci. . Dear Mesdames, but I was suggesting you could just use Mesdames on its own as in French. I thought Ch�re Madame X was .
Madam Mad"am, n.; pl. Madams, or Mesdames. [See Madame.] 1. A gentlewoman; -- an appellation or courteous form of address given to a lady, especially an elderly or a married madams, mesdames -> [madame] .
Also, dass man erst den Mann nennt. Ist das so korrekt?
Madam Mad"am, n.; pl. Madams, or Mesdames. [See Madame.] 1. A gentlewoman; -- an appellation or courteous form of address given to a lady, especially an elderly or a married .
Madams. madame, mesdames. Damen, hier: ironisch gebraucht. 2, 20 (2) Marotte (hebr.-gr.-lat.-frz.) marotte. Schrulle, wunderliche Neigung, seltsame Idee
Word forms: plural, madams . `I thought, mesdames , you would be interested in the latest . madame; Mrs
. a madam | madams / mesdames: NOUN : a madame | madams / mesdames . Dieses Deutsch-Englisch-W�rterbuch
madams, mesdames -> [madame]
basiert auf der Idee der freien .
mad"am (?), n.; pl. madams, or mesdames (#). [see madame.] a gentlewoman; -- an appellation or courteous form of address given to a lady, especially an elderly or a married lady .
Related: a proper little mada.. a saucy madam bolshy little madam Dear Madam dear madam/sir Dear Sir or Madam efendim! Yes!/Sir!/M.. little madam ma'am ma dame madame madams mesdames shes a .
madame | mesdames [plural] Origin: French: see "madam" www .yourdictionary .com /madame. madam | madams [plural] Origin: French madame, originally ma dame from Latin mea domina, my .
. mesdames . MADAM (abbreviation) Madame Blavatsky. Madame Bovary. Madame Butterfly. Madame Roland. madams
In French, the plural of madame ("mah-dahm") is mesdames ("may-dahm"). As for English, I have . It can be madames, madams OR mesdames, actually.
Wikipedia [edit] Etymology. From Old French ma dame (my lady). [edit] Pronunciation. Rhymes: -�m [edit] Noun. madame
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